AS MEDIA 2009-2010 Suffolk College

Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am a student at Suffolk College and I am studying AS media. This is a Blog about Film Noir and Neo-Noir, also in a group we made our version of a contemporary film noir. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Pre Production FP

My Contribution. Fianl Project

I rough outline of the plot of our final project ' UnderCover Derpression ' and George contributed in adding the final parts to make the plot come together. I came up with the main plot where this guy is down in the dumps and has split up with his girlfriend and wants to commit suicide because this one guy has ruined his life and he has nothing to live for, his job as an undercover policeman is going down the drain and he hates it.
I Came up with most of the treatment, it was my idea to come up with the costumes and props and geroge collected all of these accept for one thing, we needed something that looked like drugs, and i came up with idea of TicTacs and i went out and bought some, so once we came over that hurdle we relised that we still needed to complete storyboards and the rest. I voluntered to do the shot list which was very tough as we had some problems witht the Apple Macs, and George completed the storyboards, risk evaluation sheets and once i made a rough call sheet he went home and completed a final caal sheet with most contributions made by me. I also did the editing on the computers and completed it with help from George.

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